About Me

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am Angela Hite, and I am a watercolor artist living in Los Angeles, California.

It is a new and strange thing for me to call myself a watercolor artist, but in 2021, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, I learned to paint. I had spent over half a century believing I was incapable of this particular art form, but do you know what? I was wrong.

Events conspired to draw me to an online watercolor class, and I thought why not? I had time on my hands. What was the worst that could happen?

Almost immediately I discovered the soothing magic of watercolors flowing into each other, and was bewitched by their translucence and light. Practicing brushstrokes felt like the perfect balm for all the frayed nerves of the times. I had lots of initial reticence, but little by little I learned to relax and just play.

Now, two years later, I have a small but growing body of work that I am proud to share.

I also have a greater depth of knowing that our perceptions (and self-perceptions) shape our worlds. No matter our age or circumstance, our curiosity can be flamed to keep us trying new things, new possibilities.

Thanks for stopping by!